Student friendly in-ear phones

2 Oct 2007
Currently on my second pair of Sony Headphones (mdr-e829v). First pair last 5 months, these ones are starting to go wrong (left earphone goes and comes) after just 3. Luckily, when I brought them originally, I took out the 3 year replacement service thingy with the place I brought them from.

Was wondering if anyone could recomend a decent set of in-ear headphones, something that sounds good but more importantly will not die quickly when they are in my bag, pocket etc etc. Any ideas??

Don't want something too expensive, I am a student afterall!!!:rolleyes:
Um, not really willing to spend more than £30 to be honest, I think thats fair. More of a neutral when it comes to the sound, I use them in my ipod classic (and when the bass is turned up it doesn't sound very good) so just want them to sound as good or even better than the sony ones I've currently got.
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