Student punished for spaghetti beliefs

MWUHAHHAHAHA! I would say that he is disrupive but kudos to the lad for having a great big larf. :D

Keep him suspended until he behaves himself.
The school, in North Buncombe, North Carolina, remains adamant that their decision to suspend Killian for a day has nothing to do with his religion, and quite a lot to do with his repeated refusal to heed warnings against wearing pirate outfits.

:D Classic!
The school, in North Buncombe, North Carolina, remains adamant that their decision to suspend Killian for a day has nothing to do with his religion, and quite a lot to do with his repeated refusal to heed warnings against wearing pirate outfits.

But that is his religious belief. :confused:

Kudos for him for having the guts to do it, if they teach creationism why can't his beliefs be respected?
What is the flying spaghetti monster? My MySpace got hacked once and someone put a huge flying spaghetti monster banner on it :confused:
I especially like the caption for the picture of Jack Sparrow:

"A man in full pirate regalia."

As if it's some sort of historical stock photo. :D
At first I thought it was right funny, but at the end of the day the school has to respect the boy's religion. If its is as real as ppl say. Then he should be able to wear what is appropriate according to his religion. I hope he stands his ground anf fight for it.
Meatball said:
What is the flying spaghetti monster? My MySpace got hacked once and someone put a huge flying spaghetti monster banner on it :confused:
Might be related to your user name ;)

FSM started as a mickeytake about evolutionary and creationist teaching in schools, a sort of forerunner of Jedi becoming an "official" or trying to become official religion.
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