Study Says Gamers Violent Potheads

26 Sep 2005
Tonbridge, Kent
Taken from Megagames

" New research seems to suggest that violent video games make it more likely that players will engage in violent behavior and drug abuse than non-violent video games.

A study carried out by Dr Sonya Brady, of the University of California San Francisco, and Professor Karen Matthews, of the University of Pittsburgh on 100 undergraduate males aged between 18 to 21 has revealed some interesting findings. Participants were asked to play a game that involved taking homework to school on time or another game featuring violent beatings with a baseball bat.

Those who played the violent game were more likely to interpret the behavior of others towards them as hostile. You're kind of on the lookout for other people being rude to you, Dr Brady said.

The same study also examined participant attitudes regarding marijuana and alcohol use and appears to suggest that the young men that played the violent game were more likely to consider the consumption of such drugs as acceptable. What this study suggests is that they might increase any type of risk-taking behaviour, said Dr. Brady.

This study is not what you may consider definitive as the sample was small, participants did not try both games and we are not clear on what games were used and their real world relevance. The study does however, raise some interesting questions regarding the effect of gaming, questions which need to be addressed in similar studies and in fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) studies which may tell us exactly how gaming may affect brain chemistry."

Havent got time to discuss this topic any further, got to go beat my drug dealer up.
ben_j_davis said:
" This study is not what you may consider definitive as the sample was small, participants did not try both games and we are not clear on what games were used and their real world relevance.."

So basically not a scientific study then. I blame the parents you know...
This makes me so mad. :mad:
Wheres my razor encrusted keyboard. She lies to be honest i am going to batter her. :p

Wheres my kin rizla. :D

Blimey how slow am i then. :(

Is she talking about me. I think she is.
Stop looking at me. Are you starting or summit.
Whys it always women that do this sort of crap, can they not do something useful like cook my dinner for me.

Its pretty simple, if a game hacks you off on a regular basis then dont flaming well play it. I used to get annoyed very easily, but i was on dial up and things wouldnt die :p
Where do they get this rubbish from, I've been playing FPS games for years now and love blowing arms and legs of people and oh not to forget the all so important "Head Shot," am I a pothead or violent person,

I've heard from a few places this week already that we are becoming a nation driven by statistics, there in the work place, social life, private life there everywhere and these people who keep dreaming up these stupid theories are just adding to them, it really ****** me off!

Psyk said:
I have never taken any drugs and I'm never violent. Funny thing is I'm a big fan of GTA and Postal 2.

same here love those games...doesnt mean i go round with hand grenades, napalm and such and blowing people up just for the hell of it, i leave that in game.

im no druggie either, and am pretty much non-violent, unless i really have no choice but to defend myself
ben_j_davis said:
A study carried out ... on 100 undergraduate males aged between 18 to 21.

I think I see a problem right here... :p

Ironically my drug intake (oh I sound like such a bad boy - I include alcohol btw ;) ) dropped dramatically the more I started playing computer games.
just, reading the rubbish these "researchers" come up with about violent games etc, makes me want to batter them with a baseball bat more that a game would.

they proberly used pshyco loonies to test the games on but called them "undergraduate" undergraduate lonnies with a screw loose from the mental home more like
WOW this is great news. So those kids at uni, the only reason they take drugs and are violent is because of computer games. Thats good new didn't think that it would be anything to do with living away from home for the first time, having lots of money in a lump sum, an annoying house mate or the presures of your course.

A real eye opener.

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