Stupid Cat

Man of Honour
15 Mar 2004
There's a neighbourhood cat that keeps sleeping in our back yard. We normally don't really mind but now the bugger's using it as a toilet and we can't seem to get rid of it!

Does anybody have any suggestions?
No I want more humane results please :P

Though kicking the ******* has crossed my mind.

I'm envious of cats tbh, i'd like to be one in my next life. This one is asleep when i'm out for a morning ciggie, and then it's in the same position at 5:00pm - it's not even moved! What a great life!
Mmm....I might nip down to town and get a supersoaker. Fill it with acid!! ahahah burn cat BURN!!!

Might see if I can get some animal rights protesters at the same time. And Jehova's witnesses too. Stupid ******** woke me up at 10:45 this morning :(
Aye but I bet the bugger's got fleas or something. I think i'll build a giant mousetrap. I wonder if it'll realise the irony as it lies there being impaled.
uh update:

It's not vomited on the top of our wall, it's my housemate who put bird seed there. I'm too small to jump up and see it all so I thought it was cat puke!! haha lol :( :o
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