Stupid idea? - Can I do this?

4 Jun 2005
Can I do this:

I am already insured (but 2nd driver so cant build a NCB) on a car and I wanted to buy a cheap one; say £200 crappy car and get it insured under my name. Leave it there and let my NCB build up (hopefully no one will do it over lol), possible or?
IN MY OPINION get a proper insurance policy and stop hiding on Mums policy you cheapskate :p

But seriously, I doubt the cost of buying and insuring a second car to get NCB is cost effective. It'll work, but it'll probably cost more than you will save.
Yep you can indeed. Dangerous on this forum had his metro just kept insured to keep his NCB intact when he only had a company car.
EDIT: as fox said though, will it "really" be cheaper.
Why not by said cheap car then drive it round instead of just using your mums car? Saves the money it costs to go on your mums policy and means you don't get double booked to use the car.
When I was walking to work locally for a year I insured a rusting Nova hulk that was in my front garden. I don't think it's strictly 100% legal (something about not having an insurable interest in the vehicle?) but it gave me a much needed year of NCB to add to my existing tally.
buy a old moped that is knackered but has MOT for like 50 quid (C 90? ) leave it in your shed and gain no claims on it.

some people I know do this to build up multiple NCB so when they get another vehicle they can use the other NCB bonus.

I did it the hard way then found out how others are doing it . . . .

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