Stupid question but..

8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk
In getting a new SSD and a new monitor, I can't remember what **** colour profiles I used when editing in Photomatix and Adobe Photoshop, then saved as a JPG :mad:

Do I use Adobe RGB in all my processing, or SRGB and saved as either?

Stupid question I know but I haven't messed with it for yonks
Here's the issue in the screenshot below. ( Nothing has been edited in Photoshop yet ) and these are all SRGB Tiffs

Top left - Adobe Photoshop
Bottom Left - PhotoMatix
Top Right - IrfanView
Bottom Right - Windows Photo

Irfanview and Windows Photo are more yellow

If I change from SRGB which Photomatix and Adobe is set, to the colour profile of my monitor I then get that yellow tint that Irfanview and Windows is showing.


So which one do I use? The SRGB or the Monitor profile? If I still have to use the SRGB, should I just ignore the colour that windows is showing and stick with the correct Adobe profile?
Use sRGB, printers are much more likely going to use than than your personal monitor profile :)

I once looked into this, spent a lot of time on and then realised it really didn't matter that much and I'd wasted a load of time :D
Ideally you want to calibrate your monitor to the printer you are using. Some pro print shops give you their profile.
Cheers guys, will go more into it another point. So I'll just stick with Adobe Photoshop - sRGB and completely ignore what Windows is showing me :)
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