Stupid things to forget

17 Aug 2005
I woke up and kinda led in bed half asleep and for some reason had 4 numbers going thru my head to do with my bank no idea why, i thought it was my pin number being in my sleeping state.

Just went to get money out to buy a new game and had totally forgotten my pin number! Put it in wrong twice and gave up. Luckily Mum pulled into car park and had just finished work so i could borrow some ££ off her for the mean time lol

Ive also locked my self out my own mobile after entering the pin number wrong 3x, the stupid thing is it was my birthday and i was sure it was the 25 not the 28th which it actually is :rolleyes:

What have u forgotten u really shudnt have?
was on old mobile m8 dont use it now ;)

I actually forgot when other halfs was kinda, wasnt sure still aint if its the 15th or 13th and it aint the type of thing u can ask!
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