Stupidly good (fairly cheap) setup.

11 Jun 2003
Sheffield, UK
Just... as there's often a "what headset" type thread...

These (imo) would take some beating for the price:

View attachment Wp9LzkJ.jpg

So... it's a(n open backed!!) pair of Sennheiser 598SR, Retail for around £75 (can be had cheap on a popular auction site).

Along with a "ketdirect 2.5mm boom-mic" (there's 2 versions, 1 has the sennheiser/ath/etc cable lock). The mics about £15.

These ARE open backed, so... there's no insulation from environmental noise and they leak about as a bad as an idiot on the bus with leaky headphones but... otherwise, takes a LOT of beating for the price. Running these with a SB-Z I've gone from "ok" sound location to... almost perfect in the likes of PUBG :)

Thrown up a post as a random recommendation as I'm genuinely VERY impressed.
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