I've been getting a sort of loading pause when i turn into new areas in FEAR and HL2 or when something is about to happen in the game. The game sort of pauses and stutters for a second then it's ok. It seems to be loading pauses and not something in the background as it happens at the same places. When for example in a warehouse in FEAR i look up, it stutters, fps drops by maybe 10 frames (from 60) if i look down again and look back up it doesn't happen again. I've two 80gb HDDs in sata raid0 and 2GBs of RAM so i was expecting better loading performance and a much smoother game. As i know my RAM is ok i figured it might be my hard dries so i tried to a file system benchmark on SANDRA but each time it just freezes and won't complete. Is this the likely problem and is there any way to test my HDDs to find out?