Stuttering playback - even tho reformatted with new OS

26 Mar 2004
I have a Athlon XP 2500m, NF7-s, 1gb, WD SATA 300gb HD and a 9800pro.

I have had it for 2 years (apart from the HD which is new), so i have formated and reinstalled windows a fair few times. And each time the first 3,4 or 5 days video playback is okay then it starts stuttering. every 20-30 seconds of playback a stutter.

And 5 days ago I installed Media center edition, and playback was initially fine, untill just this afternoon the stutter was back.

If it was a hardware problem i would guess it would appear straight away and not after a few days.

So i'm guessing software, but what exactly since this is a new OS. i have been using the same drivers since the first day when the files were working. HD is defragged. no new codecs installed. what else should i be checking?
Virus and adware scans have been done too

Before i used the xbox to stream which worked perfectly, but since I'm connecting the PC to a hdtv directly smooth playback is very important.

I've been through the forums here searching for a similar case and tried their cures but still.
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I havent got a cure but my daughters pc has decided to start doing this, again I might add as this isnt the frist time. My sons also did this when both machines were built with the following:

Abit KD7
XP1800 Tbred-B's @ stock
512meg pc2700 ddr
40gig pata drive
radeon 9200se
sblive 1024

My sons board died and my daughters flamed up after an accident involving a radeon 9800, I rebuilt both machines with a new ECS KL7VTA board each and re-used all the original hardware with the exception of me nabbing my daughters 512mb stick off ddr and giving her two sticks of 256mb pc3200

Now the stutters have returned on her machine and its annoying as hell :(
Few things to try off top of my head:
Uninstall any codecs you have then install a free codec pack here,take your pick but i use this one no probs ever
Check dma is enabled for all drives,if stuck in pio mode uninstall primary/secondary channels in device manager,reboot.
Your onboard sound may be the issue,you can try updating the drivers,disabling or turning hardware acceleration down a notch,trying a pci sound card(the better choice really).
Try an alternative non resource hungry app from wmp like bsplayerpro or use the one bundled with klite.
And while you`re at it disable some unneeded services,turn off system restore,use no sounds in `sounds`,set display settings to performance.
Some app/service in background may be interfering,try a clean boot
Have i missed anything? :D
Nah you havent missed anything m8, thing is ive done most of what you said even down to using KLMegacodecs which has mediaplayer classic, bsplayer etc

This problem only ever effects the two amd systems we have, my intel rigs dont have this problem

sswats system is way better than what my kids have, the only possible explanation is the soundblaster live cards I gave them... they never busmastered correctly and caused a lot of fuss when kt133a chipsets were new, but why does this problem suddenly appear for no reason and still effect newer via stuff?
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