Sub timings OC help

11 Jan 2019
last week i picked up a Corsair LPX 3600Mhz 18/20/20/20/42 kit to play with as i was told there running Edie and i just wanting to see if it was better then the TridentZ hynex kit i had. and yes much better for a third of the price.

the primary timing i have managed to hammer down low with the exception to tCRD that i cant get below 19 without if spitting out errors and ever crashing.

When it comes to secondary timing i have never changed anything with any ram kit as i was told it now a easy as primary because ever timing as a knock on effect with other timings

i would like some help/advice on how to go about dropping the secondary timing

My Pro4 Bios is basic, my brothers steal legend is so much better, i got the wrong board.
the only timing not shows in the screen shots if command rate and thats set to 1T

I've now got primary timings down to 16, 19, 8, 12, 28. Bank refresh i have dropped from 82 to 58

how fair should i go for day to day use?
also still not touched sud timings

EDIT: also bios and ryzen master showing different info for 3 timings



I feel i should trust Ryzen Master as the number shown in BIOS are Very low for what would be loaded to XMP
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Looks like the timings displayed in bios are 2133mhz defaults and not what the Auto value is actually setting.

tRRDS / tRRDL / tFAW are where the largest gain can be had. Set tFAW to 16 then work on reducing tRRDS towards 4. After that work on getting tRRDL down towards 4.

tWTRS and tWTRL are the next most impactful, tWTRS first and aim for 4, tWTRL second and aim for 8.

Those 5 timings minimised will give you a far greater gain in memory performance than the benefits of tuning every other timing put together.

If you are using a pair of single sided memory sticks you can try disabling gear down mode so you run at 1T command rate.
First thanks for the replay and pointing me in the right direction.

tFAW @ 18
tRRDS @ 4
tRRDL @ 4

tWTRS @ 5, 4 Dropped realbench score by 15,000
tWTRL @ 6, 5 crashed the system

my system as gear down mode ON but i also have 1T command rate
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