
10 Dec 2003
Just two pics taken at Apsley Docks. There's something a bit odd about the place, almost like it's been built to film a TV soap in, or something ...

Stepford Wives anyone?

Later, That Same Day ...

I know the last shot is rather cliché but I think the little cloud, plane trails and seagull stop it from being really dull.

Comments, critique etc welcome.


Wow. I really like those pictures. The blues in the sky are beautiful.
The second picture is my favourite. :)

Got any more?
The first one is a bit spooky isn't it. :) Really like it though.

The 2nd is really good too, bit of a shame about the shadow if the wire running down the pole, but I still think the image works really well.
Thanks for the comments :D

Ren.182: None that are worth posting ;)

Morgan: Both are shot using a Finepix s9500 with polarizer filter. The first one has had a Velvia action applied to it. The second one only had a Colour Balance adjustment of around +20 blue in the mid tones (and a bit of a highlight dodge on the cloud).


Colin_da_Killer said:
Love the first one Mohain, really great contrast between the blue sky and the suburbia... freaky houses!

What polarizer you using?

Its just one house! Photoshop is a wonderful thing! :p

I don't really like the first one as a photo but I love the 2nd one. Would make a great canvas or even a wall size poster using rasterbator!
Thats some awesome clone tool skill you got there ;) Incredible colours. I kind of feel that the photo is going the wrong way though. Right to left instead of left to right. Unless you are Japanese :)
Colin_da_Killer said:
Love the first one Mohain, really great contrast between the blue sky and the suburbia... freaky houses!

What polarizer you using?

Cheers. I half expected all the front doors to open at once and a row of grinning fathers, with lawn mowers, come out and start mowing their lawns in unison.

I'm using a 52mm Circular Polarizing Filter which is a well known (but generally overpriced) high street photographic suppliers own brand.

Cykey: Interesting. It hadn't occured to me. I guess it appeals to my left-handedness ;)

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