Succesfully Jailbroke, would like to change icons...

25 Sep 2006
Hi guys,

Finally got round to jailbreaking.

I updated using itunes to 2.2, and then used quickpwn to jailbreak. Cydia and Installer are now present.

I've read i need ssh? and something else from installer? DM...something?

All i'd like to do is change a couple of icons for apps, and maybe have a background behind them.

Could anybody explain this simply for me? or point me in the direction of a good guide. A lot of them are very confusing!


Benny C
They is a good channel in YouTube from a dude who explains everything from jailbreaking to adding emulators, changing icons, SSH etc. Do a search on YouTube for 'dinozambas' you'll find what you need there. Always been helpful for me
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