Successful iPhone Downgrade from 1.1.3 to 1.1.2

17 Aug 2004
Not sure how many peeps will be interested but thought id let you guys / Girls know that tonight i bit the bullet and downgraded my unlocked / jailbroken 1.1.3 iPhone back to my beloved stock 1.1.2. My iPhone was unlocked via GeoHots installer app and a DFU mode and shift restore got me back to 1.1.2. Apon the final reboot i had a fully functional iPhone. As far as i know the only way to do this and still have the phone functionality from 1.1.3 firmware is to unlock it which drops the baseband back to 1.1.2 so if anyone is on 1.1.3 and not unlocked i dont suggest it as your phone will become an ipod in less than 2mins :P

Gunna stay with 1.1.2 and see what happens with the SDK over the next few months

Pretty much anything on installer was compatable with 1.1.2

Never tried 1.1.4, mabye when the SDK hits ill upgrade to 2.0....mabye
5 icon dock with a fully functional customize no tweaks is one big reason I went back. SMSD and locate me and I've got 1.1.4 anyways :D.

No need for wiggly icons with customize ;)
It's the only iPhone software I'm willing to buy. It does stuff I didn't even know I wanted.

Ok i might be tempted if i can get the 5 icon dock in 1.1.4 sorted

Any issues with the catapillar app ? Ive heard some peeps have had problems with it.

My 1.1.2 doesnt seem as stable as it used to be :( so i might have to take the jump regardless.
1.1.4 is a lot more stable than 1.1.2.

I'm still confused as to why you're still on it.

I went to 1.1.3 and for a while i was happy. Soon realised that the few apps i really liked (Customize being one of them) didnt work.

I unlocked and downgraded to 1.1.2 to get those apps back. I think im having issues with summerboard as i do get dumped back to the springboard every now and then.

Just done a full reset and on the default theme. Ill see how it goes for a bit, fingers crossed

I dare say soon as the 2.0 Jailbroken lands ill be restore all over again anyways, i just cant live without the 5 icon dock for some reason, i know its just 1 more icon but ...............
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