Successive cashback deals

28 Dec 2003
I'm currently coming to the end of a cashback deal with OSPS on the Vodafone network and am looking around for another good deal.

If I were to try for another cashback deal with OSPS, would they tell me to shove it, or would I get away with it? Would it have any bearing whether the network was Vodafone again or not? Presumably if it was Vodafone again I'd need to cancel my existing contract first as I doubt they'd let me have two contracts at once.
Cheers for the info, very useful.

It's not desperately important that I keep my number but it would be handy. Basically I'm not going to let that stand in the way of a good deal.

I did think about calling Voda and seeing what they'd offer me to stay but frankly I can't see them offering me anything. I've been on a cashback deal which, once I get my final payment in a month or so, will have worked out at free over the past 12 months, so Voda will have made nothing out of me. I can't really see that they'd value my custom at all.

Noticed some good deals from Cool New Mobile lately, who I've not heard of before. Anyone got any experience of them?
Haly said:
Vodafone online offer some cashback deals but not as good as most shops looking at it. Just depends where he got the deal from.
OSPS. 200 xnet mins per month plus 250 free texts per month for first 6 months, £30 per month contract with £240 cashback in 3 instalments making a total effective outlay over the year of £120. Came with a free K750i which I sold for £150 so it's cost me -£30 all in :D
Very tempted by one of the Cool New Mobile offers atm. Orange OVP O2 200 at £30 per month with 100% cashback over 12 months and a free 6230i.

Just not heard anything about this bunch before which is all that's putting me off at present.
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