Such a pain in the backside for something that should not be! Viewing a calendar on mobile devices

9 Mar 2010
As part of our University we use Office 365.

We're trying to set up room bookings so that any person that's a member of staff or student can book some rooms in one of our buildings.

The actual room booking process is fine. We've create resources (rooms) that can be booked via the calendar - brill.

The problem comes in that we also allow use of these rooms without bookings.

Typically this just involves checking that no one is in the room and walking in. However, obviously people with bookings take priority.

As such we want to make it easy for people to see the bookings of the room.

Bookings can be made at any time so "printouts" of the bookings place on the door will not work as I could make a booking 5 minutes before using the room.

The suggested alternative is to simply have a link on the door that would allow anyone to view the calendar on their mobile device.

Here lies the problem:

1) Office 365 (outlook web access for calendars) does not work on ANY mobile browser
2) Linking to the web published ICS file of the calendar (for the room bookings) into the suggested alternative (Google) works but then doesn't update often enough (taking more than an 2 hours to update at this rate!) and seems to be a documented problem (!topic/google-calendar-help-dataapi/0iPph4RlxF8)

So, I turn to you OCUK! What alternatives are out there that I can use? All I want is to be able to view a calendar on my mobile that's updated on request. Simples no?
9 Mar 2010
I'm not really familiar with Office 365 but is there no way to sync that up with a calendar application on a phone?

Yeah, there is, but it's seen as a step too far for some people.

Ideally we just want a bitly link on the door that when people view on their phone, tablet or computer it shows the rooms availability in a calendar format.
9 Mar 2010
9 Mar 2010
A google calendar would work fine - the problem with google calendars is the rate at which it refreshes it's data from the calendar feed.
9 Mar 2010
Not possible to create something yourself?
If you have access to a iCal feed then there are a handful of iCal PHP classes around (the format isn't that difficult anyway) which you could use to feed a jQuery calendar like Full Calendar.

Yeah, this looks like the route I'm going to take. Cheers for this jQuery solution. I had been focusing on PHP versions and they're surprisingly unsupported as well!

EDIT: Damit, no support for ICS files :(

No I mean still use the 365 calendar but use the browser on your phone to force display the desktop version of the site, apparently that works.

You don't even have the option to "view desktop version". There's no way I can convince 15K staff and students to change their browser settings on their
mobile just so they can view this calendar when they want to.

attach a monitor and a raspberry pi to the wall permanently logged into the desktop calendar.

Yeah, this is the other option. We're actually looking at getting ~£100 tablets on the walls - but that's a "next years budget" kind of thing.

EDIT2: Just noticed the flaw in this plan that it doesn't work with mobile devices... ARGH!
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9 Mar 2010
But with these tablets attached to the walls you can set it up so that their calendar app is sync'd up with the calendar.

Only problem with that is that it would require people to hit refresh (or something similar) to display the latest bookings - this could be done automatically on a webpage.

I think it's a very wasteful way to do it though, tablet on the wall just to check room availability :p

The cost of 10, low costs, tablets pales into insignificance at the overall cost of the refurbishment.

Way forward is definitely to write your own page that can get the calendar information out of Office 365.

Already on the case, just a pain :)
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