Sudden Cross Network outage Mobile/Landline/Discord

25 Apr 2010
Anyone just experiance this? OCUK was affected, a lot of sites are still down.
WTF happened.

Seems like some key cross network gateway/hub went down.
Affecting multiple mobile networks Three/Vodaphone etc.
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I thought it was just me when I couldn't get my morning check of Hot UK Deals! Then these forums did it and I thought it was definitely me and I needed a cookie or cache clear.
I thought it was just me when I couldn't get my morning check of Hot UK Deals! Then these forums did it and I thought it was definitely me and I needed a cookie or cache clear.
:cry: snap. Joked with my wife that my main two sites were down so work productivity would be through the roof. Near miss boys.
Honestly that's pretty bad...

Just straight up isolated a portion of the internet away from mobile/landlines. People I know in Europe were still able to access discord for example though lol.
Data centres in Europe and the rest of the world probably weren't affected. Cloudflare simply distributes cached content throughout a network of data centres across the world.

I've only seen it down a couple of times in 8 years.

It's popular because it's good.
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