Sudden Strike 3 demo out!

The first two were ace to play multiplayer, just time it and 'arrange' battles with mates and it was a blast.

I am a big fan of anti tank guns, arty and playing very defensively then sending in massed armoured attacks. :D

Great game before, this if its even remotely fun will be purchased.
demo played awful on my 3700+, 2gb ram and 6800NU... considering it dont look all that amazing :|

I had SS1, SSF and SS2...

online was where it was at, as yewen said. Me and a mate used to play it as a team all the time. Even had a dabble at making maps for it using the editor.

just the whole, amassing an army and setting up gun placements made it so much more tactical than a lot of games out at the time. using generals to see further into the FOW, using arty.... more fun was finding the enemy arty and blowing it to hell!

would love to have a game of SS2 with some peeps again. Pity the online community vanished. Or am i just looking in the wrong place....
I used to love SS. All the games these days seem to be moving to 3D, but these 2D graphics owned the majority of them
The suddenstrike games were really good, cant wait to try this(although the Screenies look dissapointing). I liked giving myself little missions sending out a small group of guys to take out and capture artillery peices to use back on the enemy.

I also liked the SS MP too, i just found it a bit unstable/laggy and infuriating when u are just getting ready to attack and the other guy quits. Blitzkreig had similar problems. What is it with WW2 RTS games almost always having poor netcode :)

I tried the Faces of war demo recently, seems really good if a bit buggy. How does it compare to COH?
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Just had a quick go at the Demo, hmmm i dont think this franchise is going to survive the transition to 3D. It runs like turd and looks like turd, there are older games that look and run better than this :(

Damn shame :(

Thank god for COH and FoW.
Loved SS1 and the forever expansion, played SS2 but not as much as the first one.

This demo doesnt look very good, dont think the game will be very good either :( but Ill still check it out.
Erm, at 1280 x 1024 on a 7800GTX SLI / 2gb ram / FX60 rig it ran at 15 FPS without anything happening.

Think they have performance issues? :p
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