Sudoku in*Progression thread*

28 Feb 2006
Well, a friend of mine got me to learn, well he has given me the task of creating a Sudoku game for him...Bit cheeky if you ask me :p

But hes a good man, I will post my progress in this thread etc... I have NEVER done anything in before, utter noob ;)

Should be fun, he says i should have it done in 2 weeks... :o

Any tips before i start? - Well before I start to find out how this game works! - Never played before lol :D
Thanks for all the tips so far, erm well I dont know how im going to do it, utter noob to this. Just downloaded it from Microsofts website that is how much of a noob I am.

"There are a few algorithms online you may want to check out, save you a whole heap of time writing your own."

What did you mean? The solution yes? :)
Im a noob in programming in general, done a bit of html last year but thats it. Will take a look at that site above!^^ thanks
By the way that above is for a suduko solver right, i am making a game, is that just describing the concept behind it all?
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