sugestions on cheap and cheerful system

2 Jul 2005
hi, wanted to expand the sound quality of my pc for my uni room. its a tiny room, lacking a lot of space so just wanted some all right bookshelf speakers and a decent amp. anyone have any sugestions? want to only spend £200 tops.
Dr.EM said:
I would definately go second hand. You can get some nice kit for £200 of t'bay. Search B&W 600 series (probably 601's), or Monitor Audio (Bronze B2) or mabye something by Mission, lot's of options. Check out Rotel, NAD, Denon amplification. Remember you'll need also speaker cable (I'd go with the van damme pro wire 1.5mm for £1.19m from a competitor), a 3.5mm jack to 2xphono lead and possibly bannana plugs (a lot of amplifier screw terminals are poor).

is that all the cables i would need to hook the amp up to my pc plus the speakers? ( bit of a n00b )
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