Suggest a game for me and my misses!

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
We're looking for something to play together, ideally RPG.

We've played Diablo III, Guild Wars 2, Borderlands, Torchlight, Path of Exile and WoW (private vanilla before it got shut down).

Any suggestions?
Look no further than Divinity Original sin! excellent RPG with great story.


We've sunk 10 hours into it so far. So much FUN! We love the pacing and the combat. Also, we really love the fact we can both seperate, taking a second character with us and do seperate stuff. Making town and quests a joy. I handle the 2 melee characters, she handles the 2 mages.

It's truly an amazing coop experience.
Not overly. We wanted something with a decent story and characters rather than a survival game.
If you like ARPG, Victor Vran is a great one that not many have heard of.
Great humour and game play, me and a friend are enjoying it.

I don't mind an ARPG, but I HATE when they just have such an open end to it and all you're doing is grinding to increase stats. My misses on the other hand gets hooked into it. Like Diablo III. Several hundred paragon levels later she'll surface to the real world after a new D3 season starts.
Dying light... I'm not very good with scary games, nor is she. We both tried to play Alien Isolation. Did NOT go well lol.
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