Suggest a meal

10 Jul 2006
I have to cook for 5 people (inc myself) and want to do it as cheaply as possible but still have something relatively nice.

Was thinking of getting some basics mince. Its £1.25 for 400g.

Things that I don't want to cook are: Spaghetti, Lasagne, Burgers, Chilli but any other suggestions are welcome.
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I was going to get 2 packs of mince. Chicken is too expensive.

The banned list is just things that the people I am cooking for dont want. They don't want anything with pasta (or its derivatives) either.

I was thinking burritoes and chips.

Basics potatoes: £1
Tortilla wraps: £2 for 16
Mince 800g: £2.50
2 tins of chopped tomatoes: 80p
Cheese: £2 (grated)

Things I have already:
- pasatta
- salsa
- garlic
- cayenne chill power
- dried herbs.

I have never cooked with cheap mince before, when I am cooking or myself I only ever use lean or extra lean there anything I need to do/take into account?
One of the guys doesnt like pulses so anything with beans is off the table. I don't like liver so I don't want to cook that. Can't thing of anything vege to do. I'm cooking tonight so will be shopping at around 4
There is now 6 people.

Budget £8 but if it can be done in less, do it in less. Will be shopping at sainsburys.

What I have:
Mixed dry herbs
Cayenne Chilli Powder
Few potatoes
4 tortilla wraps.

Cooking apparatus:
Frying pan (medium sized)
Normal steel pans (used for boiling etc)
Rice/Slow cooker

- 2 hours from start to eating and I am a slow cook and preparer.

Can't cook:
-Anything with pasta (out of preference)
-Anything with pulses/beans
-No unusual meat, for example liver is considered unusual.
- No chilli
- No burgers.
- No seafood
- No casseroles
- No pies
- No stews
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Thank you very much for the suggestion, and I must sound like a complete knob here, but I do appreciate the effort, but I will not like that at all that so I won't be cooking it.

Sorry, I am a relatively fussy eater and I don't like casseroles or stews or pies.

I really should have added them to the list but because I never ever cook them I didn't think about it...Sorry again.

Any other suggestions?
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