Suggest me a book.

19 Oct 2010
North Staffs
I'm just about halfway through "A brief History of Time." I read it years ago but forgot I'd kept, so dusted it off and gave it another go. Prior to that I read "A Universe from Nothing" by Lawrence Krauss. Which though interesting in part, I found hard going and dull for the most part. Just before Christmas I enjoyed "The Elegant Universe" by Brian Greene.

Anyone have any suggestion for anything that's on the same subject matter or in the same vein?

Hi DD. Well, if you're talking S. Hawking and Co., you might like to space out (pun intended:):)) to books like Supernature by L. Watson. Do not be fooled by the title, this book has NOTHING to do with the supernatural or the occult. Its content ranges from physics to astronomy and from expreriments in nature to the Universe itself.....try it, it might be your next cuppa tea:)
Cheers, it's on Amazon for under £4, so I'll deffo give that one a go..:)

I quite fancy, The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos: Brian Greene.
I've read a few of Greene's books, particularly enjoyed 'The Fabric of the Cosmos...'

I do like John Gribbin's work around this subject. Anything by him is great.
I've read some of Hawking's books....very interesting stuff indeed.

I would imagine that you would also enjoy Brian Greene. I've watched a few of Lawrence Krauss's YouTube presentations/talks and really enjoyed them, I'd hoped his books would be the same. However I've not enjoyed his books anything like as much.
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