Suggest me a New Game, with Good Story

9 Dec 2006
Looking for a game with good story.
to put in perspective Witcher 3 is my most played game. I know its impossible to beat this. However i want another goods experience

I enjoy medevil type of Era, but open to all (not a fan of space)
+ Open World
+ Action/combat based

Also as ref I thought Skyrim was a terrible game, I can understand why people it, but the combat was horrid and the the whole feel of the character was even worse.
Looking for a game with good story.
to put in perspective Witcher 3 is my most played game. I know its impossible to beat this. However i want another goods experience

I enjoy medevil type of Era, but open to all (not a fan of space)
+ Open World
+ Action/combat based

Also as ref I thought Skyrim was a terrible game, I can understand why people it, but the combat was horrid and the the whole feel of the character was even worse.

It might be tough to beat after witcher 3, but dragon age inquisition was great fun and had a good plot, massive areas etc.

Shadow of mordor is another one to look at (imagine assassin's creed meets batman combat meets middle earth)

Can't think of any other standout open world games with a decent story in that sword and arrow type of era.

No real story to it, but chivalry is great multi-player hack and slash
Dark souls 3? Story is more lore based but pretty deep if you go into it. Great game. I didn't get into the souls series until bloodborne but preferred ds3 over bloodborne.
Not quite in line with your previous suggestions, but any of the Bioshock series, or Life is Strange. The latter in particular has the best story I've seen in a game
Assassin's Creed: Black Flack - open world, action, fighting, complex story (I dislike all the present days stuff, but apparently this is Assassin's Creed's thing) and you get a to be a pirate AND an assassin.
thank you for your suggestions.
DS3 - i hated Dark soul feel of combat so i dont think this is for me
Bioshock/Life is strange - completed. good games
Black flag - played many hours of but, the Return to Present day breaks the immersion so much i dont think i can go through that again to get to the good stuff!
Kingdom of Amalur, shall look
Dyling light, isn that a zombie game?
The S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series of games are great. Fairly tough FPS where you can't run & gun. Game is so lethal, even the weather can kill you.
I prefer Call of Pripyat, but they're all good.

Dying Light, whilst a zombie type kill-fest, it's a huge open world game with story worth checking out.

F.E.A.R. spooky fps with story. First is best by miles, second is okay, third is meh.

Bioshock series.
Looking for a game with good story.
to put in perspective Witcher 3 is my most played game. I know its impossible to beat this. However i want another goods experience

I enjoy medevil type of Era, but open to all (not a fan of space)
+ Open World
+ Action/combat based

Also as ref I thought Skyrim was a terrible game, I can understand why people it, but the combat was horrid and the the whole feel of the character was even worse.

Kingdom Come Deliverance. Not out yet but you can see if you can get in the beta

+combat you might like
+1 for Fear's story, though it isn't an open world game, however, I'd still take a look at it if you haven't already done so. The following two expansions, Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate are also very good.

The Stalker games are also an excellent suggestion, and each title in the series has a good story with plenty of background lore in a semi/open world environment. Fortunately, there are a plethora of mods available to experiment with, which help to bring the quality and overall standard up to something a little more recent.
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aside from whats already been said there is Bloodborne that i heard good thing about however it is ps4 exclusive, thought id mention it anyway
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