Suggest some high quality headphones?

26 Apr 2008
Bristol, Old Blighty
I've got an Asus Xonar DX sound card and I feel that my £14 headphones aren't really doing it justice. So can anyone suggest a really nice set of headphones?

Main use would be watching films on my PC and listening to music. I do play games quite a bit, but if it's a choice between high quality game sound or high quality film/music sound, I want to go with the high quality film/music sound.

Thanks for any input.
Budget is not fixed. I'd hesitate to spend over 100 quid though. Open or closed? I don't even know what that means. And I don't think I need a headphone amp - the sound I get over this sound card is loud enough already.
Okay I've chickened out of paying 90 quid for headphones, and have instead bought some Sennheiser HD555s for £55.
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