Suggestions on cheap monitor 16:10 or 4:3

23 May 2006
My 21 inch 4:3 crt in my arcade cab is on its last legs.
I have accepted an gonna have to go LCD but was hoping to have a slight size increase at same time.i have a few options I could try and vertically mount a 32 inch 16:9 screen however before I go that route I was wondering if there is a good source of cheap 2nd hand 16:10 screens around 24-27 inch.

I am guessing I have no chance of getting a 24 inch+ 4:3 screen.

Really on a budget so likely looking at 2nd hand.
Low end is fine. (Truth is my work monitor would be perfect , am trying to think of a way of acquiring on but it's not worth getting fired over ;) )

Thank for any thoughts
(I have ruled out a proper arcade CRT. Too expensive, too old any my arcade cab is a tiny but too narrow to fit in a 28 in incher
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