
28 Oct 2014
Hey all. Havent been here for a while but Im back.

I am looking for a new game to play. Possibly a good racer with a good multiplayer, or a good shooter. The game should have a good multiplayer though. Also preferably I would like it to be like quite a new release like 2016/2015.

I play a lot of CS GO right now, a bit of minecraft and Rainbow six: Siege.

I bought Need For Speed Most Wanted last year but I didnt really like it that much. Is the new Need For Speed good. Or is it still quite bad? Also I have some good videos of Overwatch, eventhough it is being released next month I am considering it. Also possibly cities skylines as it is a completely different type of game, I know it does not have a multiplayer. Would it be a good choice?

Any questions just ask.

Thanks in advance
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I loved NFSMW the original. It was one of the better ones in m opinion. But the new NFSMW was not my cup of tea so I dont want to make the same mistake.
have you played project cars? its a great game and good online,also assetto corsa is popular although I havnt played it myself
I second Project CARS. Very enjoyable game, even when not playing online. I'm having fun just picking random cars and improving my times around tracks. It's a good title to jump into for short sessions. Dirt Rally is also amazing (IMO, even better than Project CARS) but that's a rally game. Both have very good graphics as a bonus.

If you're looking for something more arcadey then there's the new NFS and The Crew but those can be hit or miss.

Not sure about new shooters, lately there hasn't been anything worthwile IMO. I'd recommend The Division. Brilliant graphics, decent online co-op and a great map. The thing is, the game's more of an online third person RPG with guns rather than a typical shooter so you can forget about dropping enemies with a single burst (I actually like that about it). It can also get a bit stale and grindy if you rush through it.
I dont enjoy track racing like that. I like the open world idea in racers. I have the crew. Not the wild run. I quite enjoyed it but got bored of it after few weeks. I didnt really like the police chases in it. I played the beta of division and it looked ok. But I probably would not have who to play with and the playing solo is not supposed to be that great. NFS has great graphics but is the gameplay good.
Regarding The Division, I just quick matchmake with randoms. It's quite fun and super easy in this game.

The new NFS is mediocre, IMO. The same tired old Faux Angeles setting, night racing only, terrible rubber-banding (what's the point of buying and upgrading an Aventador if a Fiat Panda can whizz past you when the game feels like it?) and cringe-worthy cutscenes full of fist-bumping brotards. Also, you garage is limited to five cars.

I don't find anything appealing in this game, it's a stepback for a series which was already getting stale to begin with.

If having an open world in a racer is so important for you, then give it a go but bear in mind that the open world in question is one bland city at night in rain. If you didn't enjoy Most Wanted, then I don't think you'll enjoy this one that much because, quite frankly, Most Wanted was a much better game (as was Hot Pursuit).
How would you compare it to Carbon, as I really enjoyed that one and I believe it was at night as well. They really need to add day-night cycle. The division is more expensive but I did hear quite a bit of good opinions. On G2A it says that it cannot be activated in UK so thats a shame.
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The division costs £45, dont you think that it is a bit overpriced or not for this game? I ment that the new Most wanted was ok the original was really good.
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