Sugo Owners with the FX121

24 Jul 2004
Devon, UK
Hey, a quick question for Sugo owners who also have the FX121 Cross Flow fan - that's the one that screws on the inside of the back panel just behind the CPU above the MOSFETs on the board.

Do you find this fan is noisy?

I was trying various fan setups to try and reduce noise, and I found that cutting this fan out dropped the noise coming from my case by around 50% i'd say.

Not sure what to do with it now, mod it, find a fan controller, or sell it. :confused:
WoZZeR said:
Do you mean the fan or the Sugo?

Surely you can just buy a new fan.:confused:

Nah, it's the only one that will fit there, the fan is specially made to screw on just above the back panel.

Just wondered if any other Sugo owners are having the same problem or if it's me doing something wrong. :confused:
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