Suikoden 1&2 Remaster - Gate Rune and Dunan Unification

6 Aug 2004
These went live yesterday - I'm a huge fan so picked them up (got much cheaper from a key site), looks like they have some nice QoL improvements;

  • Clive quest timer removal (toggleable)
  • Minimaps
  • fast-forward
  • Updated Gfx / sound
  • Some inventory updates
  • Bug fixes (Matilda gate :()
  • 8 way control

I absoloutely must finish FF7 Rebirth before starting these, but I held off a playthrough of the originals last year for this remaster, so pretty excited :D

Anyone else picked up / started a play through?
This is a series I badly wanted to play as a kid but couldn't afford it back then and don't recall it being easy to find. Always meant to play them, had my eye on the remaster ever since :)
That said, I kinda feel like I could/should just play the OG's now it's..... easier to do so.

I think I recall seeing it in OPMUK in the same edition where Wild Arms was teased. I am quite a minimalist person now but I wish I hadn't sold all those magazines and discs. I guess there was no way of me knowing back then that I'd ever miss them.

I don't need a new game right now though, I will play it 100% but when it's cheaper. Also feel it's a game I'd really enjoy on a handheld, hoping Steam Deck 2 comes soon.
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Got it on my wishlist cause it looks great but as @Noxia said I'll pick it up when cheaper, got way too much too play right now and TLOU Part 2 and Stellar Blade come out soon too
I've got a few hours into it, to this day I still think that Suikoden 2 is one of the best JRPG's ever made. I remember picking up my copy for the PS1 back in the 90's and being glued to the screen, I never used a guide but I played it through enough times to figure everything out and eventually get the best ending. The local games stores I frequented probably got sick of my asking if they had any copies of the first game, I didn't get to play it until some years later and while a great introduction it didn't quite live up to the second.

My impressions so far are very positive, it looks and runs great, there's a little bit of jank here and there but nothing horrendous. It's not up to the standard of something like the SO2 remake, but it's good enough that I'm very happy for the £28 I paid for it and the many hours I'm sure I'll get from playing.

To add to the OP: The translation has actually been reworked, which is probably the biggest difference to the old games. It's more coherent and true to the original story now, mid 90's Japanese to English translations were rarely great, especially in more niche/lower budget games such as the first two Suikoden releases.
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I've got a few hours into it, to this day I still think that Suikoden 2 is one of the best JRPG's ever made. I remember picking up my copy for the PS1 back in the 90's and being glued to the screen, I never used a guide but I played it through enough times to figure everything out and eventually get the best ending. The local games stores I frequented probably got sick of my asking if they had any copies of the first game, I didn't get to play it until some years later and while a great introduction it didn't quite live up to the second.

My impressions so far are very positive, it looks and runs great, there's a little bit of jank here and there but nothing horrendous. It's not up to the standard of something like the SO2 remake, but it's good enough that I'm very happy for the £28 I paid for it and the many hours I'm sure I'll get from playing.

To add to the OP: The translation has actually been reworked, which is probably the biggest difference to the old games. It's more coherent and true to the original story now, mid 90's Japanese to English translations were rarely great, especially in more niche/lower budget games such as the first two Suikoden releases.
Really good memories of Suikoden 2 was a big fan of it even used to play it on epsxe back in the day.

The game had such great antagonists and not even main ones like Luca Blight he was mental and how they handled the plot leading up to his end was brilliant. The game had plenty of political intrigue, and the true rune bearers of suikoden was always quite fascinating.

I will defo get just as a fan. Game had a depth of like Game of Thrones before GoT existed.
Not my kinda game, but Suikoden 2 is the other half's favourite game. She's very happy with the remaster, given it's Konami I'm surprised they didn't shoehorn in an endless amount of gacha or other gambling...
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I loved these games. Still have my copies before they became very scarce. Though at the time, 2 didn’t seem to be stocked many places as it was!
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