Summer detail (56k go away)

21 Oct 2002
London & Singapore







This is my first detail and as you can see from the products I'm more in it for paint protection than show car finish.

Came up looking like new though :)

Managed to polish out 2 or 3 big blemishes that have always bugged me too.
Hi mate.

The products cost about £30, plus some applicator pads, and buffing towels etc.

My process was quite simple... one panel at a time (I did the front and rear clams in 2 halves each). Spend about 30-40mins polishing the panel using the Meguiars Speed Glaze. Use a strobe light to show up the blemishes, scratches and swirls so you know where to add more elbow grease. May need to buff off the panel once or twice to get it back to basics so you can look for more defects. Once satisfied. buff it off with a towel.

Then I applied the first part of the Carlack which is a cleaner, chemical polish and a weak sealant (3 months or so). Wipe it on with a applicator pad. Leave 1 minute. Then buff off with a towel.

Then apply the 100% acrylic sealant (2nd part of the Carlack). Exact same process as above. This sealant lasts 12 months sometimes longer. It is designed for boats and planes as well as cars!
By hand yup. To be honest there was barely any swirl marks to remove. I have always used the 2 buckets method, looks like it paid off.

The polish was good at removing just about everything. The blemishes needed some serious elbow work but it has, quite frankly, worked wonders. I wanted to get the car resprayed before I did this. Now I don't want to at all!

My front clam was a complete mess (not swirls, just blemishes and stuff). My front left indicator popped out on the motorway back in the winter which caused lots of marks on around that area (from where the dislocated indicator was bouncing around and impacting the clam). The polish has got rid of ALL those marks.

Very very pleased and can't wait to get out and drive the ******** off it :D Also looking forward to some rain to see the beading :D
Looks good, inspiring me to do the same but the A4 isnt a small car to do by hand. :(

You really should. I have been hoofing and arring over doing this for a year. I am sooo glad that I finally decided to just go for it. It's not as hard as people make out. And once you've done your first panel to get an idea of how good it looks it is actually quite fun and pleasurable to do the rest of the car.
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