They are getting rid some of these from my dads work dont know the full specs as yet but hes managed to grab one of them.
I dont really have any experience in sun kit but as it was free i thought id have a play, Ive looked on a few sights and it looks like they are quite old now ddr1 spec boxes scsi interfaces and only pci no pcix. What sort of performance can I expect out of this i'm not planning on playing games or anything with it but was wondering if it was worth slapping a raid card in with a load of disks but ive already got my q6600 available to run as a file server
Have I basically got something thats decent and worth something or is it just scrap?
I dont really have any experience in sun kit but as it was free i thought id have a play, Ive looked on a few sights and it looks like they are quite old now ddr1 spec boxes scsi interfaces and only pci no pcix. What sort of performance can I expect out of this i'm not planning on playing games or anything with it but was wondering if it was worth slapping a raid card in with a load of disks but ive already got my q6600 available to run as a file server
Have I basically got something thats decent and worth something or is it just scrap?