Sunday 17th Dec meet - H Cafe/Foxes Diner - Oxford

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
Morning all!

If anyone is up for it, I will be popping to the H Cafe near Oxford on Sunday morning if the weather is a little decent. Hopefully the roads won't be icy!

I won't be long, as I still have not got any gor tex gear, so will be in my summer leathers on my Multi 1200S haha. In other words, I will have 4 tonsils and no balls!

I'm hoping to get there around 1030. I am hoping the shop next to the cafe will be open so I can do a bit of shopping and try on some gear to get an idea for sizes.

If you're up for it, show interest and I will trust you my mobile number :)
Likewise, I'd definitely be up for a little OcUK meet up at some point if people don't mind my L plates. It's like being 17 all over again...
I may be picking a new bike up tomorrow... :D I would love to have gone... it's only 5mins from me. But i'm busy on Sunday :(
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