Sunday morning pick-me-up, thanks Pitbull...i'm erm, in love, lol!

14 Sep 2007
Nah, not a gay thread, however i've stooped to a new low. Over the last week i've seen seeing the new Pitbull video, Hotel Room Service all over MTV. Now normally I hate trash music like this, however the Nightcrawlers hook had me listening to the whole song as it's a classic old school favorite of mine.

Was watching the video and this one girl kept popping up and grabbing my attention, to the point where i'll sit down and watch this video whenever it comes up, regardless of what i'm doing.

The girl in question is the one firstly in the bathtub with the bubbles and then dancing a little by the pool in a red bikini. My god she's gorgeous and got a smile to die for. She can be seen at 1:31 (bathtub), 2:54 - 3:05 (pool), 4:14 - 4:16 (pool)

I mentioned sinking to a new low, this is what I mean. I did some digging around and found out the girl is called Elizabeth Mendez. A few links for you:

Model Profile:

...and most importantly, some mouth watering piccies...






I hope this has put a smile on some folks faces early on this sunday morning :D

P.S. Didn't post this in the music forum as it's not about the music, just the talent ;)
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Guess i'm alone on this, she's just got the right balance of everything I like, cheeky killer smile, gorgeous eyes and a great body, I don't mind impants, have been with several large chested women both with and without falsies and the difference is marginal if the right money is spent ;)

Like her or not, have a perv over the other girls in the vid if ya like, the thick chick who's also from his last video with the dark hair is his real life girlfriend apparently.
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