Sunrise tips

10 Nov 2013
I'm planning to get up early tomorrow morning to try and get some coastal sunrise shots. I've never shot at this time before, so hoping some of you might be able to give me some pointers.
I'll have a tripod. Roughly what sort of settings do you recommend? I'm thinking low iso, longer shutter speed to try and blur the sea?

Also, I'm wondering what the window of opportunity is... If sunrise is at 7:15, how long will there be good/interesting light for? Assuming its a nice morning!

Sorry if these are stupid questions, don't want to waste the chance if its a nice day though!
Thanks! Yea I've been there before but not taken many photos there so not entirely sure of the best spots. I'll definitely get there a bit earlier to give me some prep time.
Thanks Phal. The weather was really cloudy and rainy this morning so I didn't get out in the end. I'll keep it in mind when I do go though, especially the bracketed HDR stuff - read up about that and it seems pretty cool.
Seems silly now but I didn't even think about tide times! Thanks guys. I'll be sure to post some photos once the weather improves and I can get out there!
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