Sunshine - what did people think ? *spoilers*

26 Jan 2003
Couldn't find a thread for this - it warrants one methinks :)

Saw it on friday night and I gotta say I thought it was alright, bit weird nearer the end but to be honest not a bad film at all.

The guy from the first mission who somehow survived was the bit which really got me :p

How he'd been talking to God for 7 years or whatever and had morphed into some super-human or whatever he was :/
Good point ! :p

But yea defo worth going to see :)

I was actually surprised at how empty the cinema in hammersmith was when we went to see it on Friday evening !

They didn't get to technical about the "payload" which was good as that would have been boring as its basically a big ass nuke!

One part which I did think was a tad silly was the repairs on the shield - I would have thought on something so massive that any damage would be a bit more than just to that number of panels they go around ... but still it would have taken longer had it been 100 + lol
Icarus I was a fairly pointless thing other than it being how that guy presumably got aboard Icarus II and then went on to cause havok ...

One bit which I thought was a bit odd was the guy going into the coolant to save the mainframe and get the Icarus going again - he died because of it but was it just that it froze him to death or was it also a tad corrosive ? :p
Moonpie2 said:
(ohh and dodgy science inconsistancy. Man gets coolant burn on his hand after a split second in the coolant, yet can swim around in it for 10 minutes with his eyes open no problem :confused: )

I was rather perplexed by this too - seemed a bit stupid that it burned him earlier then when it required it he was happy to just jump in and look around for the problem :/
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