Super Lanboy came, need a little help

22 Jan 2006
Hi guys,

Firstly... wow, what a case! and for £35 too, I'm really happy with it. It's so much nicer than my older Sonata II.

Anyway, I'm having a little problem connecting the front ports... LEDs etc. There seems to be no speaker! I need a speaker! Is it possible to nick the one out of my Sonata II and superglue it inside the case somewhere? I hope so.

Secondly, there's 3 LEDs on the front. 1 for HDD activity, 1 for Power and a Yellow one - what is this for? It's not documented in the manual, and I can't see anywhere to attach it.

If you could help me that would be great. Thanks!
That's excellent, thanks. Well, my PC booted up fine (I only swapped the components from the old case into the new one, with a new PSU) so I can only assume there are no problems. The Speaker is an option, and I'm taking it with me to Uni (move back tomorrow) so I can have it close just in case.
I'm installing a new CPU in two-three weeks time, so I want to hear if it can Post OK. It will also be useful if my rig refuses to boot sometime, I can just clip it in and see if there's any BIOS beeps.

I won't have it installed though, it'll only be plugged in when needed.

I love this case... it's amazing. I just need a cathode set now and I'm good to go. I chose a Hiper Type R PSU, and it has Blue LED fans so it complements the case so well. The cathodes should make it look really nice.

Best thing about it though is how silent it is. I had a Sonata II that was built for silence, and cost me £60 (with PSU though), and this is a million times better.

I'm actually amazed.
I was going to go for the 2 x Akasa Blue Cathodes, but they were out of stock (and still are :() when I ordered yesterday.

I'll wait until they come back into stock I think. They'll set the case off nicely. I won't bother with UV as there's nothing in there that reacts with it!
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