Superflower buzzing noise

21 Jul 2011
Hi there,

Periodically I can hear a buzzing/crackling noise coming from my PSU ( superflower 650w), it's very sporadic as to when it occurs, the PC can be on all day with out a problem, other times an hour or two after being on the sound can be heard.

Sometimes it goes away after only a few seconds then goes, if you shut it down when the buzzing is on the the sound persists for a few seconds or until the mains is switched off.

Note: i can't see or smell anything coming from the PSU when the noise is present and the PC is only 7 months old.

Has anyone else experienced some thing similar or got any solutions?

Thanks for the replies,

I don't think its the fan as its not always on when the noise appears, the cable seems to be pretty secure although the whole pc is tight against the wall due to its size.

Since its not reproducible when it happens I don't think its practical to RMA unless its gets worse. the PSU is 7 months old same age as the PC.
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