Superhot - Wow... Controller daftness!

15 Nov 2003
So bought this last night from Steam, and TBH I think I'll be refunding it.

I noticed in the initial menu, I couldn't control anything (eg: navigate option) other then pressing ENTER to play. I couldn't even exit the menu/game and has to use TaskManager to kill it.

In game, I'm constantly moving forwards, and while the mouse works, most of the keyboard does nothing. Luckily ESC returns to the initial options.

Looking around I can see other people have had these issue with the game seemingly taking input from controllers/sources they're not interested in.

In my case after AN HOUR of faffing about I realised I had to:-
- Go into Device Manager and disable a "VJoy" device.
- Unplug my "EDTracker" device (ie: Head tracker that works like TrackIR)
- And reboot.

So to play Superhot I have to faff about, reboot, and afterwards, faff about and reboot. Not great!

I'm hoping there's a method to tell the game to only pay attention to the keyboard and mouse as you'd expect... But I can see people a month ago complaining of the same issue, with no comments aftwards, so it doesn't look hopeful.
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