Superman: Legacy

I don't think it'll be that complicated.

The Kaiju stuff can be ignored. It'll be early on, as a means of establishing Superman's power.

The core of the plot will centre around accountability and Superman. Best guess is Superman intervenes on the wrong side of a foreign war (there are references to Boravia invading someone in the trailer + the scene with the flag). Maybe something goes wrong and Superman is blamed, bringing him into disrepute. But, ultimately, nobody can hold him to account as he is too powerful.

Lex unleashes "Ultraman" (Bizarro) to reign Superman in.

I'm curious as to Mister Terrific's role, as he apparently has the largest role of the supporting cast. It looks like he, Guy Gardner and Hawk Girl are in the employ of Stagg Industries. So maybe Mister Terrific is the one who rebels and works to uncover the truth?

And there's basically nothing to go on regarding Metamorpho in the trailer.
I love this. I missed this, the hype and speculation phase.
Who is the robot?

His face looks goofy as **** from that angle while flying.
It's likely Kelex.

A robot helper/caretaker at the Fortress. It was designed by Jor El. There was another called Kelor. You would have seen a version in Man of Steel on Krypton and also on the ship Superman finds and then rescues Lois from.
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Saw a photo of that on FB, thought it was some mockery but it's not.
Aye, saw it and thought someone took a still and then edited to make it look like that. But nope, it's there in the TV Spot.

Apparently in some corners of the Internet, it's already become a meme, but I've not looked further into it. But I did shake my head at it; that's NOT how you inspire confidence in your movie. You really need to frame Superman in the best possible light at all times. Using the same style that made Warlock look goofy is not how you want to present a movie that should be taken at the dramatic level. Comedic sure, or a movie that'll win a raspberry award, but not for a Universe builder movie... *shakes head*
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Apparently you're a "snyder fanboy" if you think the expression in that shot looks slightly 'off' to say the least. Going by Facebook that is.
That's basically what the old "toxic vocal minority" screamer crowds have shifted over to using. And like before for Star Wars, Marvel, DC, LotR, and so many others, is just trying to belittle and suppress actual legitimate discussion and raised points. Some others are just diehard Gunn fans that have blinders on. But all are doing the same thing, and they are not helping a good product come about.
Have major reshoots in any superhero movie from the last 15 years made it brilliant?

Most seen to make them watchable, just.
Most likely, yes.

Pretty much anything Marvel has made since the early days had reshoots built in to the schedule.

Some were obviously changed more than others, such as Thor: Dark World.
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