Superman Returns

22 Oct 2005
Hi Guys

Can anyone here tell me, i have heard from various friends that this film is a sequel to Superman 2, apparently they read somewhere that the last superman films are being disregarded......

I haven't seen the superman films in years so does anyone recon that this is true? if so would you recommend watching the first 2 superman films again before i go see this?


Found it :)

Comments from Bryan Singer and Staff: "He'll begin in his late 20s. He lost his powers in Superman II and now he has the powers back. But something has happened because he's been away for a long time."

"We're taking off from the first two Superman films with Christopher Reeve. We use his history and then move on with big twists and great special effects.

"We're not going to do the origin story again."

Bryan Singer reveals that the movie will feature a return of Superman of some sorts, and not a complete reimagining. He also went on to reveal that there may be references to the Christopher Reeve movies and maybe even scenes from the other movies. "It puts the first films in a kind of vague history. So what it doesn't do is tread over the 1978 Richard Donner film, it doesn't tread over 'Smallville.' It elaborates on the existence of Superman in the world in a history. He's out of the culture and then he returns."

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