Supplements (once again)

23 Nov 2002
Ok I contacted a website, asking them what I should be taking if I don't plan on getting big, just keeping a goood diet, and this is his responce:

It sounds like you require more carbohydrates and maybe also l-glutamine and creatine.

I though creatine was solely used to increase the size of the musles? Anyway, should I follow his advice? Or get something else?
Well I'v been trying to get into a good balanced diet, I try to start my day with a good meal, two oatmeal buns with some mayo, three slices of ham each and an boiled egg in each one, couple of chocolate croissants (ok not the best thing but I need something sweet!) and apple and a pint of orange juice.

It's what I don't eat after that that gets me down, I just want something between breakfast and lunch, as my lunch is mostly just pasta...

Also I'm joining the basketball team and probablt water polo as well, so I guess I'll burning even more energy than usual, which is why I want some supplements.

But I agree that it's best to not take supplemenets, but right now that's not a choise for me, I don't want to live off supplements, I just want a bit of help with having a healthy (no fat/fried stuff) diet but getting enough energy from it.

What sort of whey should I get? There's so many differend things, I don't know what to chose!

Cheers guys :D
I just don't know what I should take, because I see a lot of these powders that have ephedrine as well...that can't be good for me!
Well I guess £30 isn't that bad for a whole month's worth, also, after basketball I feel dead tired, should I get the relfex pit-stop bars to eat right after practice?
GordyR said:
Ephedrine in a whey protein supplement? I think you are getting confused mate.

Ephedrine is the isolated active substance in Ephedra and has been banned for a while now if I remember correctly. People used to use it a lot combined with caffeine and asprin (known as an ECA stack) for fat burning. There are other products about now which give us a sort of "herbal" form of it (Like Reflex's Sida Cordifolia) but I don't think I have ever seen them in a standard tub of whey! :)

Well there was a huge ruckus about all sort of enhancments (doping, etc.) in Greece during the Olympics, so I just wanted to know that what I get is just to give my body energy, nothing more :)
How about after? Is there something I can eat right after the exercise to replace the lost carbs? Like banans for example?
Yeah I think a banana or two after practice with a lot of water should be ok? I got my reflex whey today, what a big tube! lol, now it asys 2-3 servings a day, as I am not doing too much work out, should I keep it down to max 2? Or is 3 ok?
Well, reflex says two scoops, that's around 25g, in 400ml of milk, so I am filling up a pint of wilk (4/5 of it) and put two scoops, tastes ok, I wouldn't want to try something that tastes worse, no man :p
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