Bunch of freaks. Just drink the damn thing and got on with it.
Ah good to see you got that cornered off, be embarrassing to make such a rookie mistake, a quick tip on boiling water i picked up from the food channel, i find if you pre boil the water before you boil it, you get a much more consistent boil
For that reason alone i weigh all my supplements with pharma grade scales to ensure i get 100% accuracy and maximise my gains.
It worked for me. There's no point in taking supps otherwise.
I noticed this morning that my 3 scoops of instant oats and 1 scoop of whey weighed about 0.5kg. I drunk it with my left hand/arm because i feel its slightly less developed than my right, does anyone know how long will i have to keep this up for it to catch up with right one?
Geez, i never actually thought about that, thanks for bringing it to my attention, im not sure how to drink my shakes now, maybe i should bend over and drink it from the worktop through a straw... only problem with that is, if i did it regularly i may over develop my back muscle and when they get a pump it would cause me to walk like a hunch back.