What about Pulse V4 from MyProtein?
It's pretty weak to be fair
It's the pre workout equivalent of Luozade tablets, basically do bugger all
What about Pulse V4 from MyProtein?
You should try some Delvis, its totally worth it imo, love Jack3d, will be importing some on pay day
It's pretty weak to be fair
It's the pre workout equivalent of Luozade tablets, basically do bugger all
It's pretty weak to be fair
It's the pre workout equivalent of Luozade tablets, basically do bugger all
I'd rather find an alternative than have to order something from the states like that.
Just been to my gym and they have some left in stock having bought in bulk before the ban came in apparently. They arent on their website but if you give them a call Im sure they will sort you out - http://www.goldstarsupplements.co.uk/
thought an expresso has 80mg?
300mpg is ambitious for the first time but 200mg is found in most off-the shelf supplements.
In that case it's not really the supplement's fault now is it?It's pretty pap. Doesn't give you anywhere near as much of a buzz, if any. I've got a sample sat on my desk now actually, didn't make any affect first time I took it.
Edit: Christian, do you drink much caffeine? Could be why it doesn't do much for me, as I sink at least 4 cups a day![]()
It's pretty weak to be fair
It's the pre workout equivalent of Luozade tablets, basically do bugger all
O lol Cristian
Now now, just 'cause you've got a phaggoty illness doesn't mean you can write unhelpful posts!![]()
Ive tried Pulse, Jack3d and SciMX Xplode.
Pulse was pretty weak, Jack3d was always good but my tolerance grew so 3 scoops was the norm. The Sci MX one was also quite decent. Felt clean with no crash or anything.
I want to try Driven Sports Craze next . Might order some next month.
I've got some here, its ok nothing like Jack3d to be honest but then I try and force myself to only have one scoop so I'm not up all night.
Have you seen the new posters in the gym about Jack3d etc? Basically saying it can be picked up in a drugs test!
I've used Craze for my last two workouts and liked it a lot. It isn't quite as...volatile as Jack3d, but it does the job. I've been adding beta alanine and taurine.
But I stand by it, Pulse is weak and so what if it has Creatine in it? That's hardly going to do a lot for energy. As for AAKG, a lot of studies have suggested it's not the wonder ingredient it's been claimed to be. Quite a few of the newer pure workouts use other ingredients as opposed to cramming in AAKG.
Pulse is great for those on a budget, but if you're looking for the real deal, there are many many better alternatives
I like it how you left out Beta Alanine and citruline malate, are they ineffective as well?
But by all means, please give the name of those 3-4 of those much better alternatives.