Supreme Commander: FA Crashing

20 May 2006
The game crashes / closes after playing it for about 30 - 50 mins. It does this 90% of the time, I've only managed to have a proper game of it and end a level once.

I thought it might have been Vista 64, so I booted into XP 32bit I also have on the same machine, installed FA and it still crashes.

All my drivers are up to date, FA is at the latest patch 3599 I think it is?

I'm clueless as to whats cause it to crash / suddenly close. It's even given me a BSOD twice.

No other game does this, just FA.

My specs are:

E6600 @ 3.4GHz
8800 GTX
EVGA 680i motherboard
Thanks for all the replys guys, I don't use XFire.

I'll try out all those hotfixes and things then try and have a game! :)

I was playing on the biggest map with a unit limit of 1000, with 8 plays on skirmish.
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