surely this can't be? (signal issue)

19 Oct 2002
This is a really wierd problem... I have never had a good signal in my house (in fact it was unusable unless you went and stood out in the road...)

I thought it was just the house so stayed with orange despite hardly getting any use out of it :rolleyes:

Now, when I got my iPhone and moved over to o2 for the first time in three years I had a full signal everywhere in my house :) but this was on the temporary number...

Today my PAC code kicked in and my old number got ported, but god knows how my signal has gone crap again :(

How is this even possible it's just a number isn't it?

Hardly anyone can get much of a signal here so naturally I think it is the house, but I though I'd struck gold until today assuming that maybe the size of the iPhone had somthing to do with it but obviously not...

Can anyone shed any light :confused:
Actually, i was told, when you port your mobile number, it still stays with the original network and the calls are just routed to the new one. The UK is the only country to do this iirc and it is causing some serious issues as people bounce around a lot of providers these days.

This would imply you are still sitting on the orange network and there signals, so makes a lot of sense.

Bit if a bummer for you though.
noooooooo :( that would explain it but what a b****!!!

I'll give them a call and hope they can sort it...
:( - right, i've spoken to o2 and the woman denied any knowledge that the number sticks with its original network, she wouldn't have any of it :(

really don't know what do do about this... transferring to o2 and finding that i actually had a full signal in my house after 3 years was a real breath of fresh air, but as much as i love the iphone, it is imperative that i retain my number :(

SooTyLaD - did you read my post above because my problems went away after I got my data services back (indicated by the '3G', 'E' and a '.' in the titlebar of the phone).
yeah i've got them back now but i still can't send texts so i'm thinking the transition is still going on...

i'll give it a day or so and see how it goes, if the signal stays rubbish i'm going to have to make a decision between the iphone and a good signal, and my old number :(
just as an update... This signal strength problem I had resolved itself once the transfer completed fully... Very strange but very glad it resolved itself :)
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