Surge protector extension lead

20 Jul 2016
I have my TV, HTPC and PS4 plugged into a 4 gang surge protector extension lead and would like to get a 3 way individually switched adaptor like the one below that plugs straight into the wall so I can turn off the extension lead via the adaptor instead of the switch on the wall socket, do I need to get the adaptor that is also surge protected or can a normal one work?

I think the general advice is not to daisy chain extensions. If you want to switch off the extension without switching it off at the wall you can either get extensions with individually controlled sockets, or an extension with remote switch off.
Your far better to install dedicated socket aray a bit of work but once done far safer.
Needs a bit of chopping out on wall if brick? if a single all ready get two deep back boxes (Deep gives you options shallow don't plus easier to set in wall than shallow and easier to do the wiring or run flat surface plates)
Need a piece of open wall trunking that fits in channel.length of 2.5mm twin and earth.some crimps to join cables and crimping pliers(Ratchet ones best)some silicone like bathroom gear(i put a dab in each end of crimp once checked holding cable well stops any moisture getting in).Roll of insulating tape to wrap crimped part up.Some earth sleeving outer cable.

Take old face plate off or atleast unscrew to can move out of way(If need power on turn power off take wires out then join in a junction box so rings in tact)
Mark out where you want extra socket can be either below or to side then mark/find cable runs it should run straight down wall to existing socket some run across walls! once found mark with pencil as need to expose a short length of it/them if go across ways as should be on a ring!.
Then turn off power to sockets if unsure? then chop wall out with a Bolster taking it back just a bit more than back box depth or flush!.
once you have them chopped out and happy need a channel also between them width of trunking.
Fix back box to wall if like to with rawlplug and screw better to do if opening is larger.

then you need your face plates and wire disconnect both pairs of wires from original socket if still in it then one side goes back in once ready other pair stays loose for a mo.
Then taking new piece of twin and earth route it roughly from one socket to the other you'll have to knock the pre cut holes out with end of pliers or something so fit the route you have cable lined up to and sticking a grommet on each hole then allowing say 8" at first end then go to other allowing similar folding it in half or marking it?and back to first one allowing spare to route through channel and to connect.

Bare ends on cut ends so similar to pair that is already excisting other pair only needs ends of wires a short amount exposed as fit into crimps.
Then other end you can either cut at fold/mark or like we do just strip sleeving back i like all mine with the minimum amount of sleeving taken off so can't see any copper plus outer sleeve as tight as possible.
Once done go to other end and line every thing up to join with the crimps so old side will need some of it snipped back so fits in crimp tight.
Once ready crimp them and will need some earth sleeving on earth wire as bare don't have to be precise length though just so others wires can't short between! Check there holding wires properly!(tug a bit)
Dab of silicone on open ends (tiny bit)then wrap with some insulating tape Red is best or brown demotes live!
Then put piece of trunking over wires between and if have none on old wires!

Then fit face plates making sure wires are right way round! nipping screws up tight and always use Leccy screwdrivers as there parralel sided like the screws unlike Wood ones which are tapered which will cam out on electical screws there by chewing them up. once done can check your handy work! i use a tester plug tells you if all A ok. once done turn off sockets!
Then with either some sand and cement or bonding plaster pref sharp sand and cement myself. feed it around do it in stages take it upto around 10mm'ish from surface then finish with some plaster so level.
While waiting for first lot to dry /harden enough you can turn power back on?

Make take a bit to get as nice as you like on surface small trowel works well and those plasters double ended spoons for tidying up once dried next day or so splash a bit of watered down Emulsion around it all then go back and paint it or paper?
Once that's done screw face plates back and sit back and admire your handy work that way each item has it's own switch/plug
All sockets should now be on a ring main which means each socket gets 13 amps there are some on radials but they can't be extended as only a single feed which is same reason should add extension cables to extensions as 13amps has to be devided between them so things can run pretty badly causing things to burn out as likes of motors run low on current.
I have my TV, HTPC and PS4 plugged into a 4 gang surge protector extension lead and would like to get a 3 way individually switched adaptor like the one below that plugs straight into the wall so I can turn off the extension lead via the adaptor
You could buy surge protector extension with power switch.

Your far better to install dedicated socket aray a bit of work but once done far safer.
Don't think installing sockets yourself is exactly legal...
And certainly dangerous without knowing what to do.
You could buy surge protector extension with power switch.
I had a look at the APC P5B-UK yesterday but I need one that has individual switch for each socket as sometimes I only need the TV on and not the HTPC and PS4.
Don't think installing sockets yourself is exactly legal...
And certainly dangerous without knowing what to do.[/QUOTE]

It is legal you can have it part P tested(there is nothing to stop you rewiring the whole house you just need to have it passed by a qualified sparks which in General is Part P)The only Area that is different is Bathrooms and Kitchens re IP ratings and so on.
My place has Pyro gently chopped out and replaced with double sockets and replastered walls after.

But having sockets is far safer than multi plugs and so on.
Seen plenty of burn ups with bad plugs/cables/leads we did a Kitchen that MFI's cowboys had done they extended cable joining it with Blue scotch locks! they was burning through trouble with them is they break wires inside cables then they arc across so get hot.
Mind kitchen they bought was pox Ikea ones have no void so can't run cables behind and walls have to be flat nothing protruding! had to run cables tucked in at end as they wanted under unit lights.
I usually say that a single 4 way extension is fine for a single wall plug provided that a radiator isn't plugged into it (or a fridge or anything thats going to be 2000+watt).

You can however look into running a different 4 way around the boarder of the room if push comes to shove, I've done that running one under a couch before.
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