Surveillance camera protests

28 Nov 2003
So, are the protests really about surveillance camera usage in general, and they are using alleged Chinese human rights abuses to help try and ban the most prevalent camera makes in use by UK bodies? If such a protest had authorities running scared and they were to keep their cameras but replace them by different makes the cost will be horrendous.

Or are the protests genuinely about alleged Chinese human rights abuses and for some strange reason the Chinese companies manufacturing surveillance cameras have come in for the brunt of their anger?

Personally I think it's an anti surveillance protest under the guise of an alleged human rights abuse one to drag in more sympathisers from a separate cause.

On a linked matter, I always used to think David Davies was a Conservative hard man, but he's turned out to be a dripping wet liberal in recent times, what's happened to him? He's one of the more outspoken on this subject...
I don't think you are filled with confidence at the best of times, but that aside ( ;) ) try this:

Maybe the Chinese have back doors into the BBC and are fiddling with URL's.

In all seriousness, I don't think you're a bad guy, just misguided :)
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