Survey: Violence in Video Games

5 Jul 2012
Hi guys; following up from my previous thread I just wanted to ask if you'd be willing to do a quick survey (or both parts) to help me collect data for my dissertation on games design.

Here are the links;

Thanks, Dan. :)

Edit: Overwhelming amount of responses. Thanks to those who gave their time and shared their views!
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Done but I do feel your survey leans towards showing violence as bad and unacceptable in games and acts more like a witch hunt than a neutral survey :)
I see it as the other way around.

Interesting to see it read both ways. In honesty I hold no opinion on the matter but tried to keep the answers open to either view.

Yeah I hope the OP isn't Jack Thompson.
Definitely not! :)

Done but...

Part 1 Question 3 - what do you mean by "enjoy"? If you mean do I revel in the idea of shooting players in the face, then no, but if you mean do I enjoy beating people by for instance shooting them in the face then yes, but there is a big difference.
I see what you mean, that's a hard one. So with this question I'm looking to see if there any people who actively dislike violence (portrayal of the act) or if any see it as just a mechanic of the game alone.

Please skip any question if you can't answer comfortably, this will let me know there was an issue.

Thanks to all who answered :) peace.
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