Suspending HDD in a PC7+

1 Jun 2005
Has anyone done this? The only way I can see to do it is to bend the sides of the 3.5" bay and suspend it from there, which I'm not sure would be the best idea (even if it's possible). I'm not keen on putting it in the 5.25" bay because putting another fan in there would probably cause as much noise as the vibration.

Any other ideas?

(Loving the case generally by the way, big thanks to everyone on here for bringing it to my attention :))
Yes mate, I was planning on using that sort of elastic - it's just where to put it that's the problem. If I put it in the 5.25" bay there's no airflow there, so I'd most likely have to put a fan on the drive to stop it getting too hot. The HDD bay is in the ideal spot by the front intake fan but it's too tight to suspend it in there, the drive would still be touching the bay and I'd still be getting the vibration noise. As I said, the only way I can think to do it is to bend the sides of the bay to give some more room, but that seems a bit extreme.
Ah cool, that's good to hear. I'd read a few people saying how it was a bad idea to have one suspended without direct cooling, but I'll give it a shot. Would be much easier if it's OK that way :)

Wush - My previous case was a Sonata and this setup is only a little bit louder, that's with the fans running on the 'optimal' setting rather than running slower. Apart from the HDD vibration I don't think it's bad at all. Then again, my ears aren't the best thanks to too much earphone abuse.. Going deaf's the most effective method I've found yet for silencing a PC.
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Nice one, sounds like I'll be alright then!

hyper_piper45 said:
How quiet is the case? Are the ambers load at all?
Have a look at the edit I made above, I mustn't have been fast enough typing it out. I don't think they're bad at all on the optimal settings, I've not tried setting them any slower yet since I'm needing all the cooling I can get whilst I try to overclock my CPU. I'll give it a try tomorrow and post back though.
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