Suspending Projects?

18 Oct 2002
Liverpool :-)
Im currently using the boinc client 4.19, and involved in seti, predictor and einstein@home.

Since the old classic seti stopped, i havent really looked into boinc too much. Just set this up and let it run.

Am i using the best client?
Can i suspend projects?

yours one confused duck :)
I'm no BOINCer, but I'm fairly sure 4.19 is a pretty old version. I think I had a newer version than that when I last BOINCed about 6 months back. Also pretty sure you can suspend projects - a fellow Dark Side cruncher will be along with more helpful info soon :p

(edit) Yes. The latest version is 5.2.13.
well that didnt go well, the newest version keeps crashing. So i installed the older version for that to tell me that ive put in the wrong password?

quackers said:
ive gone back to the old software for now, anyone else had any problems im using win2k ?

I didn't have any issues with Win2k. Everything is on XP now (which is only a point release (V5.1) of Win2000 (V5.0) , and no problems with that either.

What version of BOINC did you update to, 5.2.13?

What sort of crashes/errors did you get and in what program (BOINC, BOINCMgr)?
You mean it stuck as if it wasn't responding, then (eventually) came up with an error that it couldn't connect?

Had that myself on another machine (that's kaput now) - doesn't seem to do it on this machine. The closest to a solution I could find was restarting.
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